流式巅峰对话 2015 Merck Millipore Asia Forum与您相约在4月
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论坛主题:Imaging Flow:Empower your Scientific Discovery(成像流式,成就您的科学研究)
论坛地点:北京丽晶酒店 北京市东城区金宝街99号(北京站),

作为生命科学整体解决方案的提供者, 默克密理博生物科学一直以来高度关注亚洲地区生命科学的发展。自2008年起,默克密理博生物科学已连续在新加坡,北京,上海,广州,首尔,台北,东京等地举办了五届默克密理博生物科学亚洲高峰论坛,邀请世界级的科学家与当地卓越的生命科学家共赴学术盛宴,吸引了为数众多的生命科学研究学者。本届高峰论坛举办地为新加坡、北京、上海和东京,其中在北京与上海站共邀请3名国际演讲嘉宾、3名本地演讲嘉宾做精彩的学术报告,之后还将以数据演示的形式(DEMO show)帮助参会者亲身体会新技术的魅力,共计一天时间。北京、上海以外地区的用户可在本次活动后收看演讲视频录像(注册后可收到通知),敬请关注!
Juan Garcia Vallejo, MD, Ph.D
Senior Researcher, Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Netherlands
Speaker Biography:
Dr. Garcia-Vallejo obtained his MD from the University of Malaga (Spain) in 1999 and quickly moved into basic research in the field of Glycobiology and Immunology. His PhD dissertation on the regulation of glycosylation in endothelial cells was defended in 2005 at the Free University of Amsterdam. Dr. Garcia-Vallejo moved then to the group of Prof. van Kooyk at the VU University Medical Center, where he has worked since in the Immunobiology of C-type lectin mediated antigen uptake in dendritic cells, with a special interest in their role in the control of immune homeostasis and their potential in cancer immunotherapy.
Topic: \"Addressing intracellular routing of antigens inantigen-presenting cells using imaging flow cytometry ”
Orla Maguire, Ph.D
Research Scientist, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA
Speaker Biography:
Dr. Orla Maguire obtained her B.Sc. and Ph.D in Biomedical Science in 2004 and 2008, respectively from the University Of Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK. She started her post-Doc work in Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA initially with focus on Pharmacology, and then Imaging Flow Cytometry and she is now a Flow Cytometry Specialist there. Dr. Maguire is particularly interested in the clinical applications of imaging flow cytometry and has published her research on quantification of the NF-κB and NFAT signaling pathway using the ImageStream. She has also developed a novel Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization In Suspension (FISH-IS) assay for the ImageStream. Dr. Maguire has active membership in the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC).
Topic: \"Clinical applications of imaging flow cytometry ”
Dr. Brian Eric Hall
Senior Scientist, Merck Millipore, USA
Speaker Biography:
Dr.Brian Hall is a senior scientist at Amnis Corporation and has been working on the ImageStream technology for the past 15 years. As one of the original Amnis team members, hes gained the experience of developing the hardware systems from a prototype, helped write the technical manuals, designed the training courses and conduced seminars and poster presentations the world over. He has 4 patents and over 18 publications using quantitative image Cytometry and continues to collaborate with researchers developing novel applications for the ImageStream. He is a graduate of Boston University, and spent the early part of his career doing cancer research at both the Fox Chase Cancer Research Center in Philadelphia and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. After specializing in Flow Cytometry and confocal microscopy he moved to Amnis.
Topic: \"Protein Aggregation and Applications using the ImageStreamHigh Content Analyzer”
Seminar Abstract:
The ImageStream is a multispectral imaging flow cytometer that generates high resolution images of cells at a rate of 1000s of cells per second. This allows for the rapid acquisition of tens of thousands of images per sample. Using the IDEAS image analysis software, the system calculates features based not only on fluorescence intensity but the morphology of that fluorescence as well. With this novel approach the ImageStream is able to seamlessly combine the quantitative power of flow cytometry with the high content information associated with microscopy. The system can collect data on a wide range of applications including nuclear localization during a signal transduction cascade, measuring the apoptotic index and imaging of rare cell populations. New assay development also allows for the enumeration of protein aggregates and silicon oil droplets, a critical quality control assay for protein based pharmaceuticals and reagents.
个人履历:复旦大学特聘教授,博士生导师。1984-1989年在美国辛辛那提大学医学院获博士学位,1989-1992年美国Wistar研究所博士后,1992-1994年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院任讲师 ,1995-1998年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院任助理教授,2003-2010年为中国农业大学特聘教授,2010年底加入重点实验室。1992年以来在PNAS、Nature Medicine、Nature Biotechnology、JI、JV和JID等国际刊物上发表了100多篇SCI论文,并获得10项美国专利,获得8项中国发明专利,并申请了9项国家发明专利,6项国际PCT专利。完成一项中国发明专利成果国际转让和一项专利国内转让。
协和医科大学特聘教授 协和医科大学天津血液病研究所科技处副处长
个人履历:Dr. Jiaxi Zhou received his Ph.D from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2004. He has studied stem cell biology for more than 10 years. His current interest is human pluripotent stem cell hematopoietic specifications. The major research goals are establishing high-efficient and cost-effective approaches to generate large-scale different stage functional blood cells, such as early hematopoietic progenitor cells, megakaryocyte and platelets for drug screening or cell replacement therapy by transfusion.
个人履历:Dr. Ming Yang received his Ph.D in molecular oncology from Chinese Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College in 2008. He major in cancer pharmacogenetics, tumor metabomics and evaluation of potential antitumor drugs. He is the Youth Member of China Anti-Cancer Association Affiliated Cancer Etiology Committee and the reviewer of 17 peer-reviewed scientific journals, including Carcinogenesis, Cancer, Molecular Cancer, et al.
主题演讲:\"Silencing of Long Noncoding RNA MALAT1 by miR-101 and miR-217 Inhibits Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells”
演讲摘要: MALAT1, a highly conserved long noncoding RNA, is deregulated in several types of cancers. However, its role in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and its posttranscriptional regulation remain poorly understood. In this study we provide first evidences that a posttranscriptional regulation mechanism of MALAT1 by miR-101 and miR-217 exists in ESCC cells. This posttranscriptional silencing of MALAT1 could significantly suppress the proliferation of ESCC cells through the arrest of G2/M cell cycle, which may be due to MALAT1-mediated up-regulation of p21 and p27 expression and the inhibition of B-MYB expression. Moreover, we also found the abilities of migration and invasion of ESCC cells were inhibited after overexpression of miR-101, miR-217, or MALAT1 siRNA. This might be attributed to the deregulation of downstream genes of MALAT1, such as MIA2, HNF4G, ROBO1,CCT4, andCTHRC1.Asignificant negative correlation exists between miR-101 or miR-217 and MALAT1 in 42 pairs of ESCC tissue samples and adjacent normal tissues. Mice xenograft data also support the tumor suppressor role of both miRNAs in ESCCs.
本文链接: http://millipore.immuno-online.com/view-1426213440.html
发布于 : 2025-03-07