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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Functional_antibody > Millipore/05-321MG | Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10®/05-321MG/1 mg
商品详细Millipore/05-321MG | Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10®/05-321MG/1 mg
Millipore/05-321MG | Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10®/05-321MG/1 mg
Millipore/05-321MG | Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10®/05-321MG/1 mg
商品编号: 05-321MG
品牌: 密理博
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 功能性抗体
公司分类: Functional_antibody
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Catalogue Number05-321MG
Brand Family Upstate
Trade Name
  • Upstate
DescriptionAnti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10®
Background InformationSome of the tyrosine residues can be tagged with a phosphate group (phosphorylated) by protein kinases. (In its phosphorylated state, it is referred to as phosphotyrosine.). Tyrosine phosphorylation is considered as one of the key steps in signal transduction and regulation of enzymatic activity.
The advent of anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies is one of significant events in signal transduction research. Before the availability of anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies, tyrosyl phospyhorylation of proteins and enzymes was investigated through hazardous and time-consuming radioactive experiments. Anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies are commonly used in western blots after the targeted proteins have been immunoprecipitated to measure the tyrosyl phosphorylation of the proteins. Anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies are also directly used on cell lysate to examine the overall change of tyrosine phosphorylation level in reponse to various treatments.
Product Information
  • Untreated A-431 (negative control) and EGF treated A-431 (positive control) whole cell lysates.
    Included Positive Antigen Control: Catalog # 12-302, EGF-stimulated A431 cell lysate is provided as a free positive antigen control for western immunoblotting. Aliquot as desired, refreeze immediately, and store at -20°C. The lysate is stable for 6 months at -20°C. Before use, add 2.5 μL of 2-mercaptoethanol/100 μL of lysate and boil for 5 minutes to reduce the preparation. Load 20 μg of reduced lysate per lane for immunoblot analysis.
PresentationPurified mouse monoclonal IgG2bκ in buffer containing PBS, pH 7.4. Liquid at 2-8ºC.
IgG2bκ mouse monoclonal antibody produced in vitro by mouse-mouse hybridoma 4G10® (FOX-NY [NS-1 derivative] myeloma x spleen cells).
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage ConditionsStable for 1 year at 2-8°C from date of receipt.

For maximum recovery of the product, centrifuge the original vial prior to removing the cap. If the product has accidentally been frozen and thawed, spin it at 13,000 x g for 10 minutes at 2-8ºC. Save the supernatant for application.
ApplicationAnti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10 detects level of Phosphotyrosine & has been published & validated for use in IP & WB.
Key Applications
  • Immunoprecipitation
  • Western Blotting
Application NotesImmunoprecipitation:
2-4 μg of a previous lot immunoprecipitated quantitatively the phosphotyrosine containing proteins in the lysate of a confluent culture (10 cm dish) of cells expressing an activated tyrosine kinase. To preserve phosphotyrosine, add: 0.2 mM sodium orthovanadate to the lysis buffer.
Biological Information
ConcentrationPlease refer to the Certificate of Analysis for the lot-specific concentration.
SpecificityThis antibody recognizes tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins from all species.
Species Reactivity
  • All
Antibody TypeMonoclonal Antibody
  • Phosphorylation
Purification MethodProtein G-Sepharose™ Chromatography
Molecular WeightDependent upon the molecular weight of the tyrosine phosphorylated protein being detected.
Physicochemical Information
Materials Information
Materials Information