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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Functional_antibody > Millipore/04-557 |抗乙酰基组蛋白H4抗体,pan(Lys 5,8,12),兔单克隆/04-557/100µ;L
商品详细Millipore/04-557 |抗乙酰基组蛋白H4抗体,pan(Lys 5,8,12),兔单克隆/04-557/100µ;L
Millipore/04-557 |抗乙酰基组蛋白H4抗体,pan(Lys 5,8,12),兔单克隆/04-557/100µ;L
Millipore/04-557 |抗乙酰基组蛋白H4抗体,pan(Lys 5,8,12),兔单克隆/04-557/100µ;L
商品编号: 04-557
品牌: 密理博
市场价: ¥7800.00
美元价: 4680.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 功能性抗体
公司分类: Functional_antibody
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Catalogue Number04-557
Brand Family Upstate
Trade Name
  • Upstate
DescriptionAnti-acetyl-Histone H4 Antibody, pan (Lys 5,8,12), rabbit monoclonal
Alternate Names
  • H4KAc
  • Histone H4 (acetyl)
Product Information
FormatCulture Supernatant
Presentation100 μL of rabbit monoclonal IgG hybridoma supernantent (serum free) with 0.1% NaN3.
Storage and Shipping Information
Storage Conditions2 years at -20°C from date of shipment
ApplicationAnti-acetyl-Histone H4 Antibody, pan (Lys 5, 8, 12) detects level of acetyl-Histone H4 & has been published & validated for use in WB.
Key Applications
  • Western Blotting
Biological Information
ImmunogenPeptide corresponding to Histone H4 containing the sequence [GLG-ACK-GGA] on which Lys 12 is acetylated.
SpecificityAcetylated Histone H4 on Lysine 5, 8, 12
Species Reactivity
  • Human
Antibody TypeMonoclonal Antibody
Entrez Gene Number
Entrez Gene SummaryHistones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. Two molecules of each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) form an octamer, around which approximately 146 bp of DNA is wrapped in repeating units, called nucleosomes. The linker histone, H1, interacts with linker DNA between nucleosomes and functions in the compaction of chromatin into higher order structures. This gene is intronless and encodes a member of the histone H4 family. Transcripts from this gene lack polyA tails but instead contain a palindromic termination element. This gene is found in the large histone gene cluster on chromosome 6.
Gene Symbol
  • HIST1H4A
  • H4/J
  • HIST1H4F
  • HIST1H4L
  • H4FN
  • H4FA
  • H4FH
  • HIST1H4H
  • H4F2
  • H4FM
  • H4/A
  • H4FK
  • H4FG
  • HIST2H4
  • H4FB
  • H4/K
  • HIST1H4I
  • H4/N
  • HIST1H4B
  • H4FE
  • H4/M
  • H4/a
  • HIST1H4E
  • HIST4H4
  • HIST2H4A
  • H4FC
  • H4FI
  • H4/H
  • HIST1H4C
  • H4/G
  • HIST1H4K
  • H4FJ
  • H4FD
  • H4/I
  • H4/B
  • H4/D
  • H4/C
  • HIST1H4J
  • HIST1H4D
  • H4/E
  • Acetylation
Purification MethodSerum
UniProt Number
UniProt SummaryFUNCTION: SwissProt: P62805 # Core component of nucleosome. Nucleosomes wrap and compact DNA into chromatin, limiting DNA accessibility to the cellular machineries which require DNA as a template. Histones thereby play a central role in transcription regulation, DNA repair, DNA replication and chromosomal stability. DNA accessibility is regulated via a complex set of post-translational modifications of histones, also called histone code, and nucleosome remodeling.
SIZE: 103 amino acids; 11367 Da
SUBUNIT: The nucleosome is a histone octamer containing two molecules each of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 assembled in one H3-H4 heterotetramer and two H2A-H2B heterodimers. The octamer wraps approximately 147 bp of DNA.
PTM: Symmetric dimethylation on Arg-4 by the PRDM1/PRMT5 complex may play a crucial role in the germ-cell lineage (By similarity). & Ubiquitinated by the CUL4-DDB-RBX1 complex in response to ultraviolet irradiation. This may weaken the interaction between histones and DNA and facilitate DNA accessibility to repair proteins.
SIMILARITY: SwissProt: P62805 ## Belongs to the histone H4 family.
Molecular Weight11 kDa
Physicochemical Information
Materials Information
Materials Information